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How to clear down old viewer content with reimport

Posted: 18 Jul 2023, 14:42
by smroberts
Hi, this is likely just a silly question. I'm on a freshly downloaded 6.18 / new install pulled down yesterday

Ive successfully imported a spreadsheet using the launcher pack - just currently working on with bus domains, caps and processes (ubuntu22, tomcat 9, jvm openjdk 1.8)

I adjusted the business domains (some name adjustments, some deletions as I had too many) in the spreadsheet and reimported.
It handled the renames of domains , but ones I'd decided to remove from the sheet are still visible in the viewer (catalog)
Whilst I could have made a basic mistake (I checked that by capability sheet does not ref the old domains already... 8-) )

Q; What are the steps to clean up "old" viewer content - I thought an Import to the same environment would be a full overwrite.



Re: How to clear down old viewer content with reimport

Posted: 18 Jul 2023, 18:31
by JohnM
Hi Steve

Launchpad does updates only, so it will keep the old data in the repo. You are best deleting all instances of the class in Protege and then reimport. However, if you have relationships then be careful, as if you want to retain those then deleting the instances first will remove those. In these cases you have a choice:
1) manually delete the unwanted elements in Protege
2) Reimport the relationships using launchpad - use Launchpad Exporter (in View Library > Support), export the sheets holding the data (including classes you have relationships with), update the sheets, clear out the instances in Protege and then reimport the updated launchpad sheet

Hope that helps